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Alison Waterhouse - Educational Psychotherapist

Fusing – The Basic Elements:

- Learning

Colour graphicsEvery child is born with a desire to find out about the world, the wish to learn. Learning is the ability to acquire new knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, preferences or understanding.

To be able to do this successfully a child must be able to tolerate not knowing, manage frustration and anxiety, cope with failure and be able to learn from experience. They must also be able to manage the learning relationship with the teacher.

- Emotions

Emotion is a mental and physiological state associated with a wide variety of feelings, thoughts, and behaviour. Our emotions are not just about what happens; they are also about how we think about it.

Our ability to be aware of what we are feeling, manage our emotions, be self motivated, our ability to empathise with others are all vital if interaction and relationships with others are to be successful.

- Support

Give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to another person. A supporting relationship provides the child or young person with the confidence to explore and experience things which in turn provides the foundation for future learning and development.

- Relationship

A state of connectedness between people especially an emotional connection. It is within this interaction that children experience being with another and the emotions connected to that. They experience being thought about, focused on and listened to. They need to be nurtured and learning and the emotions it causes contained, thought about and managed.

- Safety

To experience the state or feeling of being emotionally, psychologically and physically safe.

- Self Image

Is the mental picture, generally of a kind that is quite resistant to change, that depicts the way a person views themselves. It includes self confidence, self esteem. How a child or young person perceives themselves is a core belief that will impact on their learning, emotional and social development and the way they interact with the world around them. It is therefore a key to their future.

- Development

Refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy.

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